AFDNP Office Hours with Reed 01.19.24
AFDNP Office Hours with Reed 01.19.24 Read More »
Join Jennifer and Jeremy Malecha as Jeremy shows the importance of testing and retesting, and how to utilize Biocanic to view lab markers side by side over time.
Jeremy talks about his personal experience as an FDN client and the challenges he had through going through the DRESS program over the course of 4 years. He highlights how those darn Excel forms drove him nuts, his struggle to figure out how to track his health, and ultimately why he built Biocanic to help FDN practitioners achieve a better client experience and outcomes.
Jeremy Malecha gives an outline of how the ever-evolving Biocanic client management software can benefit your practice and increase client compliance.
FDN Pro Series Replay: Streamline your health programs with Biocanic w/Jeremy Malecha Read More »
Jeremy Malecha provides an update of the features available, including biomarker trackers, lab results, blood chemistry analysis, supplement protocols, and other custom health tracking markers.