Congratulations on becoming the newest member of AFDNP!
Just one more step...
Code of Ethics and Conduct
It is the responsibility of every member of the Association of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Professionals to abide by a code of ethics and conduct. AFDNP members will:
Exercise the highest standard of professional conduct with clients and peers
Treat every client and colleague with respect and a willingness to help
Provide clients with the best support, information and products possible
Operate only within the scope of the role of an FDN practitioner and/or other professions the FDN Practitioner is licensed to practice
Operate in compliance with all laws applicable to the scope of nutrition and health coaching and consulting practices, including use of nutritional supplements
Continue to seek professional development
Use lab test results to design individualized lifestyle & behavior programs only
Never diagnose or treat any specific condition unless the FDN Practitioner is licensed to do so
Timely report all lab test results to the client along with any self-treatment recommendations
Refer clients to a licensed healthcare provider when they seek medical interpretation of test results, diagnosis, or medical treatments
Do not cause clients to believe that their medical insurance is likely to pay for their functional lab tests; and
Raise all questions related to lab tests requested via the FDN Medical Director Program to FDN Inc.; FDN Practitioners must not contact labs directly in these cases
Share AFDNP exclusive materials, such as webinars and documents, only with fellow AFDNP members
Violation of this Code may result in the suspension or closure of FDN Practitioner’s AFDNP membership or other privileges typically afforded to FDN Practitioners in good standing.