FDNs Needed – Post a Job

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Thank you for posting an opportunity or position on the FDN job board. At FDN we make
every effort to properly train and educate our graduates during the FDN program. Each
grad has performed numerous practical exercises and passed rigorous written and oral
exams and demonstrated an acceptable grasp of FDN principles and understanding of
our methodology.

Not only is FDN a very robust learning experience, but our alumni are also continuous
learners as well as dedicated to helping others. To that end, an FDN Practitioner (FDNP)
can be incredibly helpful around your office. FDNPs come from all walks of life including
but not limited to the health space. Most have a college degree and one or two
“certificates” in a related field such as nutrition, fitness training, bodywork and health
coaching before coming to the FDN Program. Many FDNPs are also licensed

We wish you the very best in selecting an FDN candidate that will be ready, willing and
able to help you in your mission, as well as a good fit for your company culture. By
submitting your post, you acknowledge and agree that, notwithstanding the above
criteria, FDN Inc and its partners are not responsible or liable for individual results, nor
the actions, any qualifications other than FDN Certification, or suitability of individuals
applying for your listing.

While FDN provides this platform to facilitate connections between employers and
potential FDN candidates, you are solely responsible for conducting your own
evaluations and performing due-diligence regarding applicants. FDN disclaims any
liability for issues or disputes that may arise from interactions with, or decisions made
based on job applications received through our platform.

Again, we wish you the very best in finding a candidate that can join you on your mission
and hope it works out with one of our graduates. Using the FDN job board does not
constitute an endorsement of any candidate or guarantee the outcome of your hiring
process. Any hiring decisions or related actions are solely at your discretion and risk.
We are sure that any candidate you choose to contact will be thrilled to hear from you.